Friday, March 18, 2011

Funny Charlie Sheen T-Shirts (Yup, Irish Themed Ones)

Charlie Sheen mania is still in full swing as he books his comedy shows across the nation, selling out venues in minutes. Talk about winning, this guy is really on a roll since leaving Two and a Half Men. Wouldn't it be something if actually exceeded his salary on the show by being his whacked out (we mean that in the most flattering way) self?

charlie sheen winning t-shirtCharlie Sheen Winning T-Shirt

To commemorate St. Patrick's Day and to just take advantage of the fact that shamrocks look cool, we've created this Irish themed Charlie Sheen t-shirt. It reads "winning" at the top (what else would it say, duh?), with the quote "dying's for fools" below. In case you were wondering, that little excerpt is from his interview where he was talking about his "epic" drug run that made Keith Richards look like droopy eyed armless children. Like we needed bad visuals of Keith Richards!

The shirt is available in plenty of sizes, colors, and styles for all of those people that wish they could be a little bit more winning or bi-winning, whatever you want to call it.

Also be sure to check out the rest of the funny Charlie Sheen t-shirts available here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Irish Potato T-Shirts - The Irish Dependency on Potatoes

potato t-shirtIf you're Irish and you think that it's "in your blood" to like potatoes, then you should probably know the back story of why people of Ireland have and still are very potato oriented people. The Great Famine, or the Irish Potato Famine, ravaged crops and was the cause of death for a million people in Ireland. As potato blight killed the crops, millions were left without food, causing them to emigrate to other countries and for many, to perish. It was a historical point for the Irish people, and many moved to countries like Australia, England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States.

This is why so many people from these other countries can claim Irish heritage, and why the USA claims a great percentage of their population have descent from the country. If their ancestry were traced back, it's very probable that their lineage left Ireland during the Potato Famine to avoid starvation, and to better provide for their family.

Today, we still love our potatoes. We cook it in stews, we mash it, we boil it, we bake it, we twice bake it, we scallop it, and we fry it. Our dependency on the potato isn't what it used to be, but those grim events are a reminder that crop failure does happen, and that we should be thankful for what we have today! To commemorate our dependency on the potato, Irish Curlys has created the potato t-shirt. It looks pretty tasty, and features a green, Celtic text with a big ol' potato on the side. Do you want fries with that?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

St. Patrick's Day 2011 Pub Crawl T-Shirts

st patrick's day pub crawl t-shirt
Are you going to be one of the many people this St. Patrick's Day that leads the charge, I mean crawl, from pub to pub? Thousands will enter, few will win.

Wait, what? We're all winners on Saint Paddy's Day, no matter how drunk you get or how blackout you get, or where you wake up in the morning. Make this year one that you'll never forget (or maybe one that you'll never forget how you blacked out in the middle of the bar) with one of these cool pub crawl t-shirts. It's brought to you by Irish Curlys, who remind you to drink responsibly. And by responsibly, we mean don't put mix hard alcohol and booze. Mixing it up tends to create a really bad hangover the next day... but then again, isn't that all part of the mystique that is St. Patrick's Day? You can find this shirt in other styles here.

Welcome to Irish Tee Shirts!

This is our very first post on the Irish Tee Shirts blog. If you're pretty quick witted, you probably have figured out by now that this blog is going to be about Irish t-shirts. Why, you ask?
Because someone has to make a great blog featuring the best Irish shirts on the web, and why not us? Our aim is to find you a great Irish shirt to show off your heritage, or to give as a gift. What will you give you if we can't fulfill that dream? Well, post a comment and we'll try to find that design for you. One may just magically appear like a wee Leprechaun if you do.

Enough of the jibber jabbering, let's start showing you some shirts!